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Featured Work – Nov 2022

Featured Work – November 2022 We Give Thanks for Our Customers! ~And the AMAZING Projects They Trust to Us~ THANK goodness it is “that” time of year again. Where we remember all that we have in our life to be thankful for. We prepare for hectic get-togethers that are guaranteedRead More…
The History of Blacksmithing

The History of Blacksmithing Blacksmithing began with the Iron Age, when primitive man first began making tools from iron. The Iron Age began when some primitive person noticed that a certain type of rock yielded iron when heated by the coals of a very hot campfire. In short, we canRead More…
Powder Coating for Quality

Appalachian Ironworks provides Powder Coating for all their products and are dedicated to providing the highest quality wrought iron products and coated finishes to our customers nation wide. Powder coating is an better alternative to liquid painting due to its high strength and flexibility with better UV and chemical resistance.Read More…