Previously Featured 2018

Developers Choose Iron for their Communities!
When you are deciding on which community to spend your life, raise a family or just making a wise real estate investment – there is no doubt that appearances do make a difference. Standing out is just something we strive for our customers. We make pieces that get attention and last for seasons and adventures to come!
Becoming the Perfect Baluster!
One customer decided gray worked better for their specific need, versus the usual black. We did the only thing we know how – we made it a reality! Bare metal with a clear coat. You can see photographs of the whole job. Newel post with a large lamb tongue — the balusters are hand forged and hammer. Gray is really popular at this time, you will see it on HG TV all the time. Designers are moving away from wooden balusters and are only doing metal. We can bring your “Iron” dreams into reality!
Ready Your Fireplace!
October brings the cold back in the air with Indian Summer providing a perfect backdrop for an indoor or outdoor fireplace adventure. We specialize in fireplace doors and fire screens, and as always can personalize them to match your personality and decor design needs. One of our favorite fire screen has the bird of paradise details. What would you prefer? We can do it!
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Featured Work – September 2018
Your Railing Looks Awesome!
This style of railing is called baskets and they look great both in and out doors, and of course, we do specialize in both type. Never doubt for a moment that someone is always looking at your “stuff” and admiring the choices you’ve made. The bottom line, when you look good – we look good! Our job is to make sure your railing not only does the job, it stands out and above the rest!
Featured Work – September 2018
Why Can’t Your Railing Make a Statement!
There is no handbook of rules for Railing. For some, it is definitely for safety or meeting city codes. While others have a more decorative approach desired. We can accommodate your railing needs in much the same way we do for your fencing or other needs – and take it to the next level. We handcraft the pieces so your Railing can be “one of a kind” or it can be designed to be purely functional and budget friendly. Stop by our shop to see some examples of our work and then call us to get someone over give you a free estimate. We love our community and we truly appreciate your business throughout the year!
Featured Work – June & July 2018
Proud to Be an American!
We are proud of our Country, those who serve and for all those who work hard every day to keep our Freedoms alive. We are also proud that we are a “made in America” company and that we support our local community – not just through donations of IRON works, but in any way possible. We hire locally and will never outsource to a foreign company just to save a buck at your expense. We thank you for opportunity to share what we love with your family and businesses. We love our community and our country!
Your Garden is Ready!
It is that time of year again. Time to get out and enjoy the beauty that is all around us. The time to appreciate how much iron and flowers go together. It was a marriage made in heaven – but we try to bring a piece of that into your enjoyable space. We hope you will think of us when you are ready to create the perfect outdoor environment – for work or pleasure!
Featured Work -April 2018
Get Ready to Enjoy the Great Outdoors!
You can enjoy the great outdoors with this heated bench and fire pit in the cool of spring or autumn. A heated bench to watch the stars come out and stay warm in style. You can’t imagine how wonderful it feels with the combination of stone and iron for your sitting pleasure and comfort! We’ll create the perfect outdoor space for you to enjoy and share with your friends and family.
Iron Can “Spiral” Your Stair Experience!
What it you have limited space but want a staircase? Or you don’t want the maintenance of painting, staining or power washing? Or better yet, what if you wanted to stand out and create a space that you enjoy going UP … and DOWN … again and again? It may be time to check out your other stair options so you can have your staircase and enjoy it too! Consider iron, it’s the alternative that lasts and spices up every situation – even stairs!
It’s HOME Show Time Again!
The Kingsport Home Show is here and we hope you can come out and join us to discover what new ideas for your home we’ve came up with. If you think home designs are just for wood, stones, or bricks – please get ready for the IRON side of life. Iron provides the delicate touches that last a lifetime, provide security and solace while being beautiful!