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Featured Work – December 2016

With Our Awnings – Rain Baby Rain!

We’ve been waiting for the rain for many months, now especially with our friends and neighbors in the Smokies enduring smoldering fires. When it did finally rain, it was like the sky opened and buckets of water were poured out. Getting in to your house can be hazardous when you don’t have an awning to protect you – while you get into your home or business. We look forward to more rain and more opportunities to serve our community while creating perfect little moments of safety.

Featured Work – November 2016

Here’s Your Sign

There are signs that we see everyday and are commonplace in our life. And then, there are other SIGNS that stand out in a crowd and are worth a second glance. If you are looking for a gift for someone or … a special business – look no further. We can personalize and create the signage of your dreams. All you need is an imagination and a little bit of Iron!


Featured Work – October 2016

A Tale of Two Elements

There is nothing that compliments one another as much as the richness of wrought iron and the natural beauty of stone work in any setting. Especially your home, office or special get-away space. These two play off one another for the perfect accent in any environment. Give us the chance to show you nature’s perfect solution!

September 2016 Featured Work

Most of us don’t own a park, but we can turn our outdoor space into a natural sanctuary.  Wrought iron has been used over the centuries because it is durable – we love it because it is also beautiful and can become the means to create a little bit of heaven in your back yard. 

August 2016 Featured Work

Awnings provide protection from the elements.  Our Awnings also add a touch of perfection as we never use “cookie cutter” designs and each one is especially made to accent your home or work space.

July 2016 Featured Work

For your amazing garden spaces – why not choose a gate
that is almost as beautiful as the garden it protects!

June 2016 Featured Work

Let us personalize your home, business, church, organization …
Down to the Door knobs!

May 2016 Featured Work

May 6 & 7 is the Kentucky Derby and if you are a horse lover
chances are you’ll be watching that and cheering your favorite horse and jockey!

May 2016 - Featured Work : Barns (03)

May 2016 – Featured Work : Barns (03)

When you are not watching or attending the races – consider some how beautiful iron can
be in your barn and how much “even the horses” can appreciate living in style!

April Featured Work

Take me out to the ball field ….

And while you are there check out their new Signage & Fencing!

Featured Work – April 2016 (Image 03)

There is nothing like an evening at the ball field.

We certainly enjoyed our time there and are very

proud to be part of a National (and local) pastime that

brings joy to so many! Whether it’s the fun of watching it live,

the food or just hanging out with family & friends we wish

you a night of fun right here in Kingsport!

March Featured Work

Bus Stops Need Love too!

The City of Kingsport has added a new KATS stop

and we’ve added a special little touch that

once again makes Kingsport stand out!

In all things, the attention to the details do

make a difference. No matter how big or small

your need – we hope you will think of

Appalachian Ironworks for all your iron needs!


February Featured Work

Attention to Detail

Domtar adds a new collection of art

that seconds as a coat rack and railing.  It is the attention

to details that sets our work apart and that would make

your lodge or cabin stand out with natural style!

When you think of iron, we hope you will think of

Appalachian Ironworks!


January Featured Work

Start the New Year

with New Signage for your business or organization.

It’s normal to take pride in something you do

and to want the very best down the last detail is normal!

We feel the same way about our work and hope you

will think of Appalachian Ironworks for ALL your Iron Needs!

Especially great for signs, bike racks, custom mail boxes or trash cans

that help your business stand out from the crowd.


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